Map.prototype.upsert Tutorial

A detailed tutorial on how to implement the proposal Map.prototype.upsert in JavaScript™, providing insight on language development.


JavaScript™ is standardized by ECMAScript® and specified in the ECMA-262 language specification, which is maintained by Ecma International's TC39 committee. ECMAScript® defines the core features of the language, providing a standard that ensures consistency across different JavaScript™ engines. Major engines like V8 (used in Chrome and Node.js), JavaScriptCore (Safari), and SpiderMonkey (Firefox) implement these specifications, allowing developers to write code that behaves similarly across different environments.

SpiderMonkey, the engine developed by Mozilla, powers JavaScript™ execution in Firefox and supports development of new language features. This tutorial focuses on working within SpiderMonkey to implement and test an ECMAScript® proposal, providing insight into both the ECMAScript® standardization process and the inner workings of a JavaScript™ browser engine.


Welcome to this detailed tutorial on how to implement and understand the Map.prototype.upsert proposal. This tutorial is tailored to help both beginners and advanced developers learn how to contribute to JavaScript™ language development by implementing a new feature in SpiderMonkey - Mozilla's JavaScript™ engine. We will cover all the necessary steps, from downloading and setting up the development environment to specifying and implementing the upsert method and testing it with the official test suite, Test262.

We'll start with an introduction to the Map.prototype.upsert proposal, highlighting its benefits for developers. From there, you'll be guided through setting up the development environment using the SpiderMonkey engine. You'll then implement the upsert method using both self-hosted JavaScript™ and (a little bit of) C++, ensuring alignment with the ECMAScript® specification.

The main focus will initially be on developing a functional solution. Once basic functionality is working, optimization techniques will be applied to ensure your code is efficient and performant. You'll also gain insight into contributing to the ECMAScript® standard, aligning your code with the best practises in the JavaScript™ evolution. Finally, you'll explore testing with Test262, the official ECMAScript® test suite, learning how to write custom tests to validate your implementation.

By the end of this tutorial, you'll have implemented a fully functional upsert method and gained an understanding into the process of designing, testing and standardizing JavaScript™ features.


This tutorial has been written and edited by: Lauritz Thoresen Angeltveit, Jonas Haukenes, Vetle Larsen, Sune Eriksson Lianes, Mathias Hop Ness, and Mikhail Barash, and is a result of a project conducted at the University of Bergen (Norway) in collaboration with Daniel Minor (Mozilla) during August - November 2024.

Project supervisors: Daniel Minor (Mozilla), Mikhail Barash (University of Bergen, Norway). Project facilitators: Yulia Startsev (Mozilla), Mikhail Barash (University of Bergen, Norway).

This tutorial can be cited as:

L. Angeltveit, J. Haukenes, V. Larsen, S. Lianes, M. Ness, M. Barash. Implementing a JavaScript API proposal `Map.prototype.upsert` (a tutorial). 2024. 

What's Covered in This Tutorial?

  • The Map.prototype.upsert Proposal: Learn what this proposal is, how it works, and why it’s beneficial for JavaScript™ developers.
  • Setting up the development environment: How to download and build Mozilla Unified, the repository that contains SpiderMonkey.
  • Implementing the proposal: We will implement the upsert method both in self-hosted JavaScript™ and C++.
  • Debugging and testing: How to test your implementation using Test262, the official test suite for ECMAScript®, and how to run custom scripts.
  • Optimizing the code: Learn about performance considerations and optimizations.
  • Contributing to the ECMAScript® Specification: Understand how to write specification-compliant code and contribute to the broader ECMAScript® standard.

The `Map.prototype.upsert` proposal

What is it?

Map.prototype.upsert is a new method for Map-object in JavaScript™. The operation simplifies the process of inserting or updating key-value pairs in the Map: it checks for existence of a key and then either inserts or updates a key-value pair.

This proposal is also intended for WeakMap, which shares a similar API structure. The behavior of upsert in WeakMap would follow the same principles, with the primary difference being the behavior of keys in WeakMap, as they are held weakly and can be garbage collected when no other references to them exist. In this tutorial however, we will focus on the Map-implementation.

How does it work? The upsert operation takes two arguments: a key and a handler object. The handler contains two properties:

  • update: A function to modify value of a key if it is already present in the Map.

  • insert: A function that generates a default-value to be set to the belonging value of the checked key.

    The function upsert operates following these steps:

    1. The Map is checked for the key passed as argument. If found:
      • It checks the handler for an update function. If found, this is used to update the value belonging to the passed key. After this, the newly updated entry will be returned.
    2. If not found, the insert function from the handler is used to generate a new value. This will be assigned to the given key before returning it.
    3. In either case, the value will be the return value of the upsert method.

    What is the motivation? Adding and updating values of a Map are oftentimes performed in conjunction. Currently, there are no Map methods for either of these two actions - let alone a method that would do both. Usual workarounds involve multiple lookups and can be inconvenient for developers, and lead to confusing and error-prone code. Introducing a new method upsert shall resolve these drawbacks.


Example: Either updating or inserting for a specific key
  • Without using the upsert function:
// two lookups
old = map.get(key);
if (!old) {
    map.set(key, value);
} else {
    map.set(key, updated);
  • Using the upsert function:
map.upsert(key, {
  update: () => updated,
  insert: () => value
Example: Inserting if missing
  • Without using the upsert function:
// two lookups
if (!map1.has(key)) {
  map1.set(key, value);
  • Using the upsert function:
map.upsert(key, {
  insert: () => value
Example: Updating if present
  • Without using the upsert function:
// three lookups
if (map.has(key)) {
  old = map.get(key);
  updated = old.doThing();
  map.set(key, updated);
  • Using the upsert function:
map.upsert(key, {
   update: (old) => old.doThing()

Installing Mozilla Unified

In this section you will learn how to download the Mozilla environment for your operating system. It will also feature setting up SpiderMonkey for development and introduce main tools which are used during development.

1. Installation of SpiderMonkey and required tools

We will start by installing SpiderMonkey and all the required tools.

Before you start installing, open a terminal and navigate to the desired location of the mozilla_unified folder.

The installation process depends on your operating system - please use the link below that matches yours.

During the installation, you will be asked which version of Firefox you want to build as a standard. In this tutorial we will choose 5: SpiderMonkey JavaScript™ engine, which will allow for faster builds during development.

It doesn't matter if you choose to use hg or git to grab the source code.


Here are some of the most common build errors. Note! Many errors can be related to your Python build. Ensure you are using the correct Python path and/or configuration.

2. Running SpiderMonkey

After the installation is complete, a folder named mozilla-unified should appear in the folder where the terminal was located when you started step 1.

Navigate into mozilla-unified folder using cd mozilla_unified.

In order to run the SpiderMonkey engine, we first have to build it:

./mach build

After executing this command, the output should look something like this:

Your build was successful!
To take your build for a test drive, run: |mach run|

In order to run the finished build, execute this command:

./mach run

Your terminal should now enter the JavaScript™ Read-Eval-Print-Loop mode. The functionality is similar to a browser console. You can execute arbitrary JavaScript™ code.


This will be used to test our implementation throughout the tutorial.

You can use it to write js-lines to evaluate. This will output Hello World! in the console:

js> console.log("Hello World!");

You can also execute .js files - this is done by passing the filename as a parameter in the ./mach run command:

./mach run helloworld.js

3. Applying simple changes

Self-hosted code is located in mozilla-unified/js/src/builtin.

In the local copy, we can edit, add or remove functions. As an example, we demonstrate how we can change the return value of a function. Open file Array.js and change function ArrayAt to always return the value 42. We can now test this change by rebuilding and running the SpiderMonkey and then calling the function with some valid parameters, as shown below:

./mach build
./mach run
js> var myArray = [1, 2, 3];

Self-hosted code is a somewhat different from ordinary JavaScript™, given that you can effectively and easily edit/create functions you want. This can cause problems in certain situations - we will discuss more on this later.

How to Read the ECMA-262 Language Specification

1. What is the ECMA-262 Specification?

  • ECMA-262 is the official document that defines the programming language ECMAScript® (also known as JavaScript™). It provides detailed guidelines for developers and browser vendors on how JavaScript™ should behave in every situation, ensuring consistency and compatibility across different platforms and implementations.

2. How to Navigate the Document

  • Start with the Table of Contents: This is where you’ll find major sections describing the language's grammar and constructs, data types, standard library functions, and so on. It helps you jump to the part you’re interested in.
  • Use Search: The specification is a large document. If you’re looking for a specific topic, like Promise or Array, use your browser’s search function (Ctrl + F/cmd + F) to find it quickly.
  • Annexes (Extras): At the end of the document, you’ll find extra sections that explain older features or give additional context.

3. How to Read the Algorithms

  • Algorithms are like instructions: The specification breaks down how JavaScript™ works using step-by-step instructions, almost like a recipe.
  • Steps to follow: The specification breaks down methods like Array.prototype.push into clear, numbered steps. For instance, it describes how the method first checks the current length, then adds the new element, and finally updates the array's length.
  • Conditionals and other control flow constructs: You’ll often see if-statements, that will tell you how to proceed if the statement evaluates to true or false.

4. Some Key Symbols and What They Mean

  • [[ ]] (Double Square Brackets): These represent internal properties of JavaScript™ objects. These are properties that JavaScript™ uses internally but developers can’t directly access.
  • ? (Question Mark): This shorthand means "if this operation results in an error (abrupt completion), return that error immediately." For example, ? Call(func, arg) means that if calling func with arg throws an error, stop the current process and return the error right away.
  • Return: This marks the end of an operation, specifying the result to be returned.
  • « » (Guillemets): These are used to define lists in the specification text. A List is an ordered sequence of values, similar to a JavaScript™ array, but used only internally in the specification to represent collections of elements.
  • { } (Curly braces): These are used to define a Record structure. A Record is a data structure that groups together related fields as key-value pairs. Each field is identified by a name (key) and stores a specific value. These Record structures are specification-level entities.
  • Keywords in Algorithm Specifications: Keywords like If, Else, or Else if are represented as algorithmic steps in plain text, rather than in code syntax, to describe the behavior that an implementation should follow.

5. Finding Information on Other Symbols

The specification text uses a range of notations and symbols to describe its syntax and structure. To understand these symbols, you can look into section Notational Conventions. This section explains different types of symbols, and how they are used to define the language.

For example, in section Nonterminal Symbols and Productions, you can read about nonterminal symbols, which are shown in italic font, and learn how to read syntactic definition of a WhileStatement or an ArgumentList.

6. Start Simple

7. Example: Understanding Array.prototype.push

In the specification, you can search for Array.prototype.push to see how it works. The algorithm will explain that:

  • first, the length of the array is checked
  • then, the new element is added to the array
  • finally, the length property is updated to reflect the added element.

The Map.prototype.upsert Specification

This is the specification of the Map.prototype.upsert which will be implemented in this tutorial. This specification will guide our implementation, detailing each operation the upsert method needs to perform to insert or update a key-value pair in a Map object.

1. Let M be the this value.
2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).
3. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
4. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } e that is an element of entries, do
    4a. If e.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(e.[[Key]], key) is true, return e.[[Value]].
    4ai. If HasProperty(handler, "update") is `true`, then
        4ai1. Let updateFn be ? Get(handler, "update").
        4ai2. Let updated be ? Call(updateFn, handler, « e.[[Value]], key, M »).
        4ai3. Set e.[[Value]] to updated.
    4aii. Return e.[[Value]].
5. Let insertFn be ? Get(handler, "insert").
6. Let inserted be ? Call(insertFn, handler, « e.[[Value]], key, M »).
7. Set e.[[Value]] to inserted.
8. Return e.[[Value]].

An html version of the specification can be found here.

The ECMA-262 Specification text can look intimidating at first glance. Before starting the implementation, try to get a rough understanding of what each line in the specification means. Write pseudocode, natural language sentences or a combination of them, for yourself to understand what is actually going on. The aim is to develop a clear understanding of the functionality we want to achieve.

Key Points to Focus On:

  • Scope and Validation: The first few lines establish the this value (M) and ensure it’s a valid instance of Map.
  • Iterating Over Entries: The method iterates through the Map entries to check if the specified key already exists.
  • Conditional Update or Insert: If the key exists, it checks for an update function in the handler and applies it to update the value. If the key does not exist, it uses the insert function to create a new entry.
  • Returning the Result: Finally, it returns the updated or inserted value.

By breaking down the specification in this way, you'll have a roadmap for implementing each part of the upsert method. This approach will help make the implementation process smoother and ensure that you understand how each step contributes to the overall functionality.

Rewrite the Specification in Your Own Words


  1. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].

Could be rewritten to:

  1. Make a List variable entries, which stores pairs (key, value).

In the implementation part of this tutorial, each line of the specification will be explained.


Searchfox is a helpful tool. Searchfox provides an indexed view of the source code, allowing one to efficiently search for specific files, functions, or keywords. For instance, you can trace the implementation of existing JavaScript™ features, see how certain functions interact with SpiderMonkey’s internal data structures, or find how built-in JavaScript™ objects like Map are handled. Searchfox helps you navigate a seemingly endless and confusing codebase.

When implementing the upsert proposal, you will find that looking at existing implementations of similar functionality is often a good starting point. Combine the ECMA-262 Specification with Searchfox and look at existing code.

Example of workflow when trying to implement a line of the specification:

  1. Some line from the specification.
  2. Find some other function with the same or similar specificatin line in the ECMA-262 Specification.
  3. Look up that other function in Searchfox.
  4. Borrow code from that other function's implementation.


In this section, we’ll walk through the process of implementing the Map.prototype.upsert method step-by-step. We will examine each line of the specification in detail and you will gain a deep understanding of the implementation process. By the end, you’ll have a fully functional upsert method in JavaScript™, along with insight in where to find resources and information which gives you a strong foundation to implement additional functions on your own in the future.

Creating a function

The first step to implementing a function in SpiderMonkey is to create a hook in C++. This hook serves as the connection between SpiderMonkey’s C++ core and our self-hosted JavaScript™ code.

The JavaScript™ type Map is defined in C++ as MapObject in the file MapObject.cpp. All Map methods, such as Map::set and Map::clear, are defined in the array MapObject::methods[]:

// This code is from: /js/src/builtin/MapObject.cpp
// ...
const JSFunctionSpec MapObject::methods[] = {
  // ...
  JS_FN("set", set, 2, 0),
  JS_FN("delete", delete_, 1, 0),
  JS_FN("keys", keys, 0, 0),
  JS_FN("values", values, 0, 0),
  JS_FN("clear", clear, 0, 0),
  JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("forEach", "MapForEach", 2, 0),
  JS_FN("entries", entries, 0, 0),
  // ...

To add method upsert, we need to define a hook in this array:

  // ...
  JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("upsert", "MapUpsert", 2,0),
  // ...

Here, we invoke JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN, which sets up the hook: it indicates that the function whose name is mentioned in the first argument of JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN is implemented in self-hosted JavaScript™ - meaning the main logic of the function's behaviour is written in JavaScript™ rather than C++. We pass the following actual arguments to JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN:

argument in our case explanation
first argument "upsert" indicates the function name as it will appear in JavaScript™ standard library
second argument "MapUpsert" indicates the name of the JavaScript™ implementation (which we’ll define shortly) for the function
third argument 2 indicates the number of arguments that the function mentioned in the first argument will have
fourth argument 0 specifies flags (we omit this in the tutorial)

With the C++ hook in place, we can define the actual function's behaviour using JavaScript™ (that's why "self-hosted" JavaScript™). In the file Map.js, and add the following code:

function MapUpsert(key, handler) {
  return 42;

For now, this is a simple stub function. It doesn’t perform any upsert logic yet; it just returns the number 42. This step allows us to check that our function is correctly hooked and accessible in the JavaScript™ runtime.

To make sure that everything works as intended, build the project and run the JavaScript™ shell:

./mach build
./mach run

Once the shell opens, we can test our upsert function:

js> const m = new Map();
js> m.upsert(0,0);

If you see 42 as the output, then you’ve successfully created a function hook and defined an initial JavaScript™ implementation. This means we’re ready to move forward with implementing the actual upsert functionality.

Step 1 - Implementing The First Line of the Specification

Now that we have our upsert method hooked and accessible in the JavaScript™ runtime, it’s time to start implementing the logic as specified in the ECMAScript® proposal.

Setting Up this in the Function. Some lines in the specification are more intuitive than others. The first line of the specification:

1. Let M be the this value.

instructs us to capture the current this context, which is the MapObject instance on which upsert was called. This is a foundational step in almost any method, as it ensures we’re working with the correct object.

In the self-hosted JavaScript™ code, we can implement this line simply by assigning this to a variable called M. This will allow us to refer to the Map instance consistently throughout the function:

function MapUpsert(key, handler) {
  // 1. Let M be the this value.
  var M = this;

We have now captured the this object, which should be an instance of a MapObject and we can now start to manipulate this object in the upcoming steps.

Step 2 - Verifying The Object Type

With the this context now captured in M, our next step is to validate that M is actually a MapObject. This is crucial because JavaScript™ objects can sometimes be altered or misused, and we need to ensure that upsert is being called on a valid instance of Map. This verification process will prevent errors and misuse, keeping the method consistent with the ECMAScript® specification.

Verifying the Map’s Internal Structure. The ECMAScript® specification uses internal slots to define hidden properties within objects. In this step, we need to confirm that the object M has the [[MapData]] internal slot, which holds the actual key-value data for the Map. By checking for this internal slot, we can be confident that M is indeed a Map and not some other type of object.

The second line in the specification:

2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).

is common for most self-hosted MapObject methods. To implement this step as code, we can look into already existing implementations, for example, the implementation of MapForEach - which is the SpiderMonkey implementation of the Map.prototype.forEach specification:

// This code is from: /js/src/builtin/Map.js
// ...
// ES2018 draft rev f83aa38282c2a60c6916ebc410bfdf105a0f6a54
// Map.prototype.forEach ( callbackfn [ , thisArg ] )
function MapForEach(callbackfn, thisArg = undefined) {
  // Step 1.
  var M = this;

  // Steps 2-3.
  if (!IsObject(M) || (M = GuardToMapObject(M)) === null) {
    return callFunction(

  // ...

As we can see from the specification of Map.prototype.forEach, the second line is identical to the one we are trying to implement for the upsert proposal. Thus, we can borrow the relevant part of the code verbatim. At this point, our work-in-progress implementation of MapUpsert will look like this:

function MapUpsert(key, handler) {
  // 1. Let M be the this value.
  var M = this;

  // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).
  if (!IsObject(M) || (M = GuardToMapObject(M)) === null) {
    return callFunction(

Step 3 - Self-Hosted JavaScript™ vs. "Ordinary" JavaScript™

Before proceeding further in the tutorial, we need to improve our understanding of self-hosted JavaScript™.

All self-hosted JavaScript™ operates in strict mode, preventing functions from running in the global scope if invoked with a null or undefined scope. To make self-hosted JavaScript™ safe, we have to follow some rules. A potentially critical problem when writing self-hosted code is monkey patching. This phenomenon occurs when our implementation makes a function call to an external function which has been overwritten by user scripts.

This problem can be mitigated by using function invocations. We will use callFunction and callContentFunction to call a function within the specific object scope. For example, an invocation:

callFunction(std_Map_entries, M);

will correspond to calling the entries method on an instance M of MapObject.

This example demonstrates that self-hosted code also has limited access to the C++ builtins: only a select set, defined in SelfHosting.cpp, is accessible. For MapObject, the available builtins are:

"ordinary" JavaScript™ function corresponding C++ builtin C++ hook definition
entries std_Map_entries JS_FN("std_Map_entries", MapObject::entries, 0, 0)
get(key) std_Map_set JS_FN("std_Map_get", MapObject::get, 1, 0)
set(key, value) std_Map_get JS_FN("std_Map_set", MapObject::set, 2, 0)

These MapObject builtins are defined in SelfHosting.cpp:

// This code is from: /js/src/vm/SelfHosting.cpp
// ...
JS_FN("std_Map_entries", MapObject::entries, 0, 0),
JS_FN("std_Map_get", MapObject::get, 1, 0),
JS_FN("std_Map_set", MapObject::set, 2, 0),
// ...

This is how calls to methods of a Map object in "ordinary" JavaScript™ would be implemented in self-hosted JavaScript™:

example of a function call in "ordinary" JavaScript™ example of an invocation in self-hosted JavaScript™
M.entries() callFunction(std_Map_entries, M)
M.get("myKey") callFunction(std_Map_get, M, "myKey")
M.set("myKey", "myValue") callFunction(std_Map_set, M, "myKey", "myValue")

Besides callFunction, we will use callContentFunction. The table below summarizes the differences between these two functions.

aspect callFunction callContentFunction
applicability used to call general-purpose JavaScript™ functions in the execution context used to call context scripts functions in sandboxed environments
API-level low-level JavaScript™ APIs browser environments with context boundaries
security no additional security policies enforced context security policies and sandboxing

As described in SelfHosting.h:,

//     `obj.method(...)` syntax is forbidden in self-hosted JS, to avoid
//     accidentally exposing the internal, or allowing user code to modify the
//     behavior.

As stated in the documentation, the obj.method(...) format is ilegal in self-hosted JavaScript™. Instead, we have to use callFunction(callee, thisV, args...) to invoke functions. Furthermore, the specification states that in case the callee could be user-provided, we should use callContentFunction.

Here are some links about callFunctionand callContentFunction:

Searchfox description
CommonPropertyNames.h macro definitions
SelfHosting.cpp explanations regarding the special syntax
SelfHosting.h callFunction vs. callContentFunction

Apart from the functions made accessible in SelfHosting.cpp, the following functions can be used in self-hosted JavaScript™:

  • other self-hosted functions (remember that "almost" everything is an object),
  • some abstract operations and additional utility functions.

You can read more about self-hosted code here.

Moving on with the implementation: We have stored the this object and verified that is in fact an instance of MapObject. In the coming steps, the contents of this object will be manipulated. The third step in the specification

3. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].

tells us to store the contents of the Map as a List.

We can now use callFunction and the standard builtin std_Map_entries to retrieve a list of all key-value entries in the Map, and store it in a variable named entries.

function MapUpsert(key, handler) {
  // 1. Let M be the this value.
  var M = this;

  // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).
  if (!IsObject(M) || (M = GuardToMapObject(M)) === null) {
    return callFunction(

  // 3. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
  var entries = callFunction(std_Map_entries, M);

Step 4 - Iterating through the map entries

Now that we’ve set up our initial structure and verified our MapObject, the next step is to iterate through the entries within the Map. This allows us to examine each key-value pair to determine if the specified key already exists, which will help us decide whether to update an existing value or insert a new one. To achieve this, we first have to set up an iteration of the entries list.

The fourth line in the upsert proposal specification is as follows:

4. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } e that is an element of entries, do

Map methods in self-hosted JavaScript™ use various methods to implement iteration. The specification states that we should use a for ... of loop. To implement this line, we again look at implementations of the already existing methods and find how a for ... of loop can be implemented. For this implementation we will use allowContentIter. This allows us to iterate through the map, using a for ... of loop, with var e representing en entry in the map. This way we can handle the keys using e[0] and the corresponding value with e[1].

function MapUpsert(key, handler) {
  // 1. Let M be the this value.
  var M = this;

  // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).
  if (!IsObject(M) || (M = GuardToMapObject(M)) === null) {
    return callFunction(

  // 3. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
  var entries = callFunction(std_Map_entries, M);

  // 4. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } e that is an element of entries, do
  for (var e of allowContentIter(entries)) {
    var eKey = e[0];
    var eValue = e[1];
    // ...

Checking if key already exists. As mentioned above, the purpose of the iteration is to check whether the key already exists. This can be done by comparing the key with eKey, as described in the step 4a. of the upsert proposal specification:

4a. If e.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(e.[[Key]], key) is true, then

The SameValueZero function helps us check for equality between the key provided to MapUpsert and the key in the current entry. This comparison ensures that we handle only the correct key-value pair.

function MapUpsert(key, handler) {
  // 1. Let M be the this value.
  var M = this;

  // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).
  if (!IsObject(M) || (M = GuardToMapObject(M)) === null) {
    return callFunction(

  // 3. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
  var entries = callFunction(std_Map_entries, M);

  // 4. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } e that is an element of entries, do
  for (var e of allowContentIter(entries)) {
    var eKey = e[0];
    var eValue = e[1];

    // 4a. If e.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(e.[[Key]], key) is true, then
    if (SameValueZero(key, eKey)) {
      // ...

If the SameValueZero operation returns true on an entry, the key exists in the Map. According to the logic of the specification, we cannot insert on an existing key-value pair, but we can perform an update if this function exists in the handler.

Checking for the update handler. With the key identified in the Map, the next step is to determine if the handler object includes an update function. This will allow us to update the value associated with the existing key in the Map.

In the specification, this is expressed in line 4ai.:

4ai. If HasProperty(handler, "update") is `true`, then

In self-hosted JavaScript™, most objects are treated similarly to regular JavaScript™ objects, and we can use standard object methods for these checks. For example, hasOwnProperty can verify if update is a property of handler.

Here is a snippet from the Object.cpp demonstrating some of the relevant self-hosted functions:

// This code is from: /js/src/builtin/Object.cpp
// ...
static const JSFunctionSpec object_methods[] = {
    // ...
    JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("toLocaleString", "Object_toLocaleString", 0, 0),
    JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("valueOf", "Object_valueOf", 0, 0),
    JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("hasOwnProperty", "Object_hasOwnProperty", 1, 0),
    // ...
// ...

Using hasOwnProperty on handler, we can now verify if the update property is defined. This step ensures that we only proceed if handler actually provides an update function.

function MapUpsert(key, handler) {
  // 1. Let M be the this value.
  var M = this;

  // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).
  if (!IsObject(M) || (M = GuardToMapObject(M)) === null) {
    return callFunction(

  // 3. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
  var entries = callFunction(std_Map_entries, M);

  // 4. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } e that is an element of entries, do
  for (var e of allowContentIter(entries)) {
    var eKey = e[0];
    var eValue = e[1];

    // 4a. If e.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(e.[[Key]], key) is true, then
    if (SameValueZero(key, eKey)) {
      // 4ai. If HasProperty(handler, "update") is `true`, then
      if (callFunction(Object_hasOwnProperty, handler, 'update')) {
        // ...

Getting the update function from the handler. If the key exists and update is specified, the next step is to retrieve the update function, as expressed on line 4ai1. of the specification:

4ai1. Let updateFn be ? Get(handler, "update").

In the implementation, we store the update function as a variable updateFn.

function MapUpsert(key, handler) {
  // 1. Let M be the this value.
  var M = this;

  // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).
  if (!IsObject(M) || (M = GuardToMapObject(M)) === null) {
    return callFunction(

  // 3. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
  var entries = callFunction(std_Map_entries, M);

  // 4. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } e that is an element of entries, do
  for (var e of allowContentIter(entries)) {
    var eKey = e[0];
    var eValue = e[1];

    // 4a. If e.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(e.[[Key]], key) is true, then
    if (SameValueZero(key, eKey)) {
      // 4ai. If HasProperty(handler, "update") is `true`, then
      if (callFunction(Object_hasOwnProperty, handler, 'update')) {
        // 4ai1. Let updateFn be ? Get(handler, "update").
        var updateFN = handler['update'];
        // ...

Calling the update function. Now that we’ve verified the existence of an update function in the handler object, the next step is to invoke this function to get the updated value.

In the specification, this is line 4ai2.:

4ai2. Let updated be ? Call(updateFn, handler, « e.[[Value]], key, M »).

In this context, we need to call the update function on the current value associated with the Map entry. This involves passing e.[[Value]] (the existing value), key, and M as arguments to the function.

To perform this function call in self-hosted JavaScript™, we’ll use callContentFunction. This will call updateFn with M as the scope and eValue (the existing value) and key as the arguments. The result of this call should be stored as variable updated, which we’ll then use to update the Map entry.

Note that here we use callContentFunction instead of callFunction. While callFunction is faster than callContentFunction, the latter is safer with respect to the user content - since the handler object is passed by the user, the use of callContentFunction is justified. You can read a more detailed explanation here.

function MapUpsert(key, handler) {
  // 1. Let M be the this value.
  var M = this;

  // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).
  if (!IsObject(M) || (M = GuardToMapObject(M)) === null) {
    return callFunction(

  // 3. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
  var entries = callFunction(std_Map_entries, M);

  // 4. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } e that is an element of entries, do
  for (var e of allowContentIter(entries)) {
    var eKey = e[0];
    var eValue = e[1];

    // 4a. If e.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(e.[[Key]], key) is true, then
    if (SameValueZero(key, eKey)) {
      // 4ai. If HasProperty(handler, "update") is `true`, then
      if (callFunction(Object_hasOwnProperty, handler, 'update')) {
        // 4ai1. Let updateFn be ? Get(handler, "update").
        var updateFN = handler['update'];
        // 4ai2. Let updated be ? Call(updateFn, handler, « e.[[Value]], key, M »).
        var updated = callContentFunction(updateFN, M, eValue, key);
        // ...

Updating the value in the Map. Once we have the updated value from calling the update function, we can proceed to replace the current value in the map entry. This is expressed in line 4ai3. of the specification.

4ai3. Set e.[[Value]] to updated.

Implementing this step involves using the std_Map_set function, which is a standard self-hosted function that allows us to safely set a new value for a specified key in the Map. Since std_Map_set is a built-in function available in self-hosted code, we’ll call it to update the entry with our newly computed updated value. Recall that std_Map_set is a standard built-in map operation specified in SelfHosting.cpp.

We can now use callFunction with std_Map_entries to set the new value:

function MapUpsert(key, handler) {
  // 1. Let M be the this value.
  var M = this;

  // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).
  if (!IsObject(M) || (M = GuardToMapObject(M)) === null) {
    return callFunction(

  // 3. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
  var entries = callFunction(std_Map_entries, M);

  // 4. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } e that is an element of entries, do
  for (var e of allowContentIter(entries)) {
    var eKey = e[0];
    var eValue = e[1];

    // 4a. If e.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(e.[[Key]], key) is true, then
    if (SameValueZero(key, eKey)) {
      // 4ai. If HasProperty(handler, "update") is `true`, then
      if (callFunction(Object_hasOwnProperty, handler, 'update')) {
        // 4ai1. Let updateFn be ? Get(handler, "update").
        var updateFN = handler['update'];
        // 4ai2. Let updated be ? Call(updateFn, handler, « e.[[Value]], key, M »).
        var updated = callContentFunction(updateFN, M, eValue, key);
        // 4ai3. Set e.[[Value]] to updated.
        callFunction(std_Map_set, M, key, updated);

Returning the value. We have now updated the value, and can return it, as described in line 4aii. of the specification.

4aii. Return e.[[Value]].

Now our implementation looks as follows:

function MapUpsert(key, handler) {
  // 1. Let M be the this value.
  var M = this;

  // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).
  if (!IsObject(M) || (M = GuardToMapObject(M)) === null) {
    return callFunction(

  // 3. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
  var entries = callFunction(std_Map_entries, M);

  // 4. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } e that is an element of entries, do
  for (var e of allowContentIter(entries)) {
    var eKey = e[0];
    var eValue = e[1];

    // 4a. If e.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(e.[[Key]], key) is true, then
    if (SameValueZero(key, eKey)) {
      // 4ai. If HasProperty(handler, "update") is `true`, then
      if (callFunction(Object_hasOwnProperty, handler, 'update')) {
        // 4ai1. Let updateFn be ? Get(handler, "update").
        var updateFN = handler['update'];
        // 4ai2. Let updated be ? Call(updateFn, handler, « e.[[Value]], key, M »).
        var updated = callContentFunction(updateFN, M, eValue, key);
        // 4ai3. Set e.[[Value]] to updated.
        callFunction(std_Map_set, M, key, updated);
      // 4aii. Return e.[[Value]].
      return callFunction(std_Map_get, M, key);

Step 5 - Implementing The Insert Handler

In this step, we’ll handle the scenario where the specified key doesn’t exist in the Map.

Let's look at the steps 5-8 in the specification of the upsert proposal:

5. Let insertFn be ? Get(handler, "insert").
6. Let inserted be ? Call(insertFn, handler, « e.[[Value]], key, M »).
7. Set e.[[Value]] to inserted.
8. Return e.[[Value]].

These steps are similar to how we updated an existing entry (compare with steps 4ai1.-4ai3. and 4aii.), with the difference that here we’re adding a new entry to the Map. If the key isn’t found, we retrieve the insert function from the handler and invoke it to generate the initial value for this new key-value pair.

The section uses similar techniques to the update scenario. We can implement the insert case as follows:

function MapUpsert(key, handler) {
  // 1. Let M be the this value.
  var M = this;

  // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).
  if (!IsObject(M) || (M = GuardToMapObject(M)) === null) {
    return callFunction(

  // 3. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
  var entries = callFunction(std_Map_entries, M);

  // 4. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } e that is an element of entries, do
  for (var e of allowContentIter(entries)) {
    var eKey = e[0];
    var eValue = e[1];

    // 4a. If e.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(e.[[Key]], key) is true, then
    if (SameValueZero(key, eKey)) {
      // 4ai. If HasProperty(handler, "update") is `true`, then
      if (callFunction(Object_hasOwnProperty, handler, 'update')) {
        // 4ai1. Let updateFn be ? Get(handler, "update").
        var updateFN = handler['update'];
        // 4ai2. Let updated be ? Call(updateFn, handler, « e.[[Value]], key, M »).
        var updated = callContentFunction(updateFN, M, eValue, key);
        // 4ai3. Set e.[[Value]] to updated.
        callFunction(std_Map_set, M, key, updated);

      // 4aii. Return e.[[Value]].
      return callFunction(std_Map_get, M, key);

  // 5. Let insertFn be ? Get(handler, "insert").
  var insertFN = handler['insert'];

  // 6. Let inserted be ? Call(insertFn, handler, « e.[[Value]], key, M »).
  var inserted = callFunction(insertFN, key, M);

  // 7. Set e.[[Value]] to inserted.
  callFunction(std_Map_set, M, key, inserted);

  // 8. Return e.[[Value]].
  return callFunction(std_Map_get, M, key);

Testing the Implementation

Now that we have implemented the function MapUpsert, it's essential that we test it to ensure that it behaves as intended.

Recall that we can create files and run them with the command run:

./mach run MyFileName.js

We can now create a script to test our implementation:

  console.log("Running tests for Map.prototype.upsert proposal");

  // Utility function for logging test results
  function logResult(testName, actual, expected) {
   console.log(`Test: ${testName}`);
   console.log(`Expected: ${expected}`);
   console.log(`Actual: ${actual}`);
   console.log(actual === expected ? "Passed" : "Failed");

  // Test 1: Update on existing key
  (function testUpdateExistingKey() {
   const m = new Map();
   m.set("key", "val");

   m.upsert("key", {
       update: () => "updated"

   logResult("Update on existing key", m.get("key"), "updated");

  // Test 2: Insert on existing key
  // Expectation: should not change the existing value
  (function testInsertExistingKey() {
   const m = new Map();
   m.set("key", "val");

   m.upsert("key", {
       insert: () => "inserted"

   logResult("Insert on existing key (no change)", m.get("key"), "val");

  // Test 3: Insert and update on existing key
  (function testInsertAndUpdateExistingKey() {
   const m = new Map();
   m.set("key", "val");

   m.upsert("key", {
       update: () => "updated",
       insert: () => "inserted"

   logResult("Insert and update on existing key", m.get("key"), "updated");

  // Test 4: Update non-existent key
  // Expectation: should not update, no effect
  (function testUpdateNonexistentKey() {
   const m = new Map();

   try {
       m.upsert("nonexistent", {
           update: () => "updated"
   } catch (e) {
       console.log("Test: Update nonexistent key");
       console.log("Expected Error: " + e.message);


  // Test 5: Insert non-existent key
  (function testInsertNonexistentKey() {
   const m = new Map();

   m.upsert("nonexistent", {
       insert: () => "inserted"

   logResult("Insert nonexistent key", m.get("nonexistent"), "inserted");

  // Test 6: Insert and update nonexistent key
  // Expectation: insert should happen
  (function testInsertAndUpdateNonexistentKey() {
   const m = new Map();

   m.upsert("nonexistent", {
       update: () => "updated",
       insert: () => "inserted"

   logResult("Insert and update nonexistent key", m.get("nonexistent"), "inserted");

  // Test 7: Increment counter twice
  (function testIncrementCounter() {
   const counter = new Map();

   counter.upsert("a", {
       update: (v) => v + 1,
       insert: () => 1
   logResult("Increment counter first time", counter.get("a"), 1);

   counter.upsert("a", {
       update: (v) => v + 1,
       insert: () => 1
   logResult("Increment counter second time", counter.get("a"), 2);

Issues With the Original Proposal

The proposal we have implemented provides a flexible solution by allowing both an update and an insert function. While flexibility is generally a good thing, here it adds unnecessary complexity to the usage of upsert. In other words, flexibility comes here at the expense of simplicity and ease of use which are very important for widespread adoption in programming languages.

The most likely primary, in-demand use case of the upsert method is when a developer wants to check whether a key exists and, if it doesn't, to insert it into the map. That is, most developers typically would just need to insert a value if the given key is missing - rather than providing separate logic for both insert and update. We can argue that the proposal design in its current form unnecessarily complicates the use of the upsert method for a majority of developers.

Moreover, the current design doesn't align well with common practices in other major programming languages. An example with a similar - and simpler - functionality is the setdefault method on dictionaries in Python. Again, we can argue that being an overcomplicated feature not commonly found in other languages, the upsert method is at risk of being underutilized. Reducing the scope of the proposal, so that it has a more straightforward behaviour, would make it more intuitive and more likely to be used effectively by JavaScript™ developers.

Redesigning the Proposal

As we already alluded, a common problem when using a Map is how to handle doing a Map entry when you're not sure if the key already exists in the Map. This can be handled by first checking if the key is present, and then inserting or updating depending upon the result. However, this is both inconvenient for the developer, and far from being optimal - because it requires multiple lookups in the Map that could otherwise be handled in a single call.

A possible solution to this is to have a method with the following behaviour: it will check whether the given key already exists in the Map, and, if the key already exists, the value associated with the key will be returned. Otherwise, the new key-value pair will be inserted into the Map, before returning the newly input value.

Let's look at an example of how the new method upsert can be used.

 // Currently
 let prefs = new getUserPrefs();
 if (prefs.has("useDarkmode")) {
     let darkMode = prefs.get("useDarkmode");
 else {
     prefs.set("useDarkmode", true);
     darkMode = true; //Default value

 // Using upsert
 let prefs = new getUserPrefs();
     prefs.upsert("useDarkmode", true); // Default to true

By using upsert, default values can be applied at different times, with the assurance that later defaults will not overwrite an existing value. This is so because the key would already exist and calling upsert will return the existing key instead of inserting or overwriting.

We can compare this new behaviour of the upsert method with the Python's setDefault method on dictionaries.

# Without setdefault
prefs = {}
if "useDarkmode" not in prefs :
  prefs["useDarkmode"] = True # Default value

dark_mode = prefs["useDarkmode"]
# Using setdefault
prefs = {}
prefs.setdefault("useDarkmode", True)

In the new version of the upsert proposal, we will consider two different signatures for the method upsert:

  • taking arguments key and value
  • taking arguments key and callbackfn

Both versions serve the same principle as a get or insert-if-missing method on the MapObject. The different signatures offer more flexibility to the developer. The value version is simple and works for most use-cases, while the callbackfn version offers more versatility and could for example be used to compute a conditional insert-value.

For the remainder of this tutorial, we will focus on the upsert(key, value) version.

To implement the new proposal, we first need to adapt the specification.

Drafting the New Specification of the Proposal

The new specification draws from the original specification and adapts to the newly specified behaviour we described above.

1. Let M be the this value.
2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).
3. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
4. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } e that is an element of entries, do
  4a. If e.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(e.[[Key]], key) is true, return e.[[Value]].
5. Set e.[[Value]] to value.
6. Return e.[[Value]].

The next section will be based on this draft of the new specification. Later in the tutorial we will look into how we can write the specification in ecmarkup.

An HTML version of the specification can be found here.

Implementing the New Proposal

We will now adapt our existing implementation of the original upsert proposal to match the updated specification. As we can see, some of the logic from the previous implementation can be reused. Our goal here is to make the necessary adjustments to the original implementation.

Step 1 to 4 - The logic remains the same

The first four steps remain unchanged from the original proposal.

1. Let M be the this value.
2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).
3. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
4. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } e that is an element of entries, do

The only modification we make is that the handler of MapUpsert is now named value.

function MapUpsert(key, value) {
  // 1. Let M be the this value.
  var M = this;

  // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).
  if (!IsObject(M) || (M = GuardToMapObject(M)) === null) {
    return callFunction(

  // 3. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
  var entries = callFunction(std_Map_entries, M);

  // 4. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } e that is an element of entries, do
  for (var e of allowContentIter(entries)) {
    var eKey = e[0];
    var eValue = e[1];
    // ...

We are now ready to proceed with the steps 4a, 5 and 6 of the updated specification.

Step 4a - If the key exists, return the value

In this step, we implement the condition to handle the case when the key already exists in the Map:

4a. If e.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(e.[[Key]], key) is true, return e.[[Value]].

In this updated logic, we are only concerned with returning the existing value if the key is found, rather than handling updates. This is a streamlined approach that differs from our previous implementation. We use the built-in std_Map_get function to return the existing value:

function MapUpsert(key, value) {
  // 1. Let M be the this value.
  var M = this;

  // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).
  if (!IsObject(M) || (M = GuardToMapObject(M)) === null) {
    return callFunction(

  // 3. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
  var entries = callFunction(std_Map_entries, M);

  // 4. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } e that is an element of entries, do
  for (var e of allowContentIter(entries)) {
    var eKey = e[0];
    var eValue = e[1];

    // 4a. If e.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(e.[[Key]], key) is true, return e.[[Value]].
    if (SameValueZero(eKey, key)) {
      return callFunction(std_Map_get, M, key);

  // ...

Now the MapUpsert function will return the existing value if the key is found in the Map. If the key does not exist, the function will continue to the next steps which will handle inserting a new entry.

Step 5 and 6 - Insert the new key-value pair

Now, we address the scenario where the key does not already exist in the Map. If the specified key is not found in the previous iteration step, insert the new value and return it:

5. Set e.[[Value]] to value.
6. Return e.[[Value]].

We add the new key-value pair to the Map and then return the value. This can be achieved by using the built-in Map::set method, which allows us to add entries directly and efficiently.

function MapUpsert(key, value) {
  // 1. Let M be the this value.
  var M = this;

  // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).
  if (!IsObject(M) || (M = GuardToMapObject(M)) === null) {
    return callFunction(

  // 3. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
  var entries = callFunction(std_Map_entries, M);

  // 4. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } e that is an element of entries, do
  for (var e of allowContentIter(entries)) {
    var eKey = e[0];
    var eValue = e[1];

    // 4a. If e.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(e.[[Key]], key) is true, return e.[[Value]].
    if (SameValueZero(eKey, key)) {
      return callFunction(std_Map_get, M, key);

  // 5. Set e.[[Value]] to value.
  callFunction(std_Map_set, M, key, value);

  // 6. Return e.[[Value]].
  return value;

With these fairly simple steps our new implementation becomes simpler, and provides a more compelling API.

Rendering the New Specification Text Using _Ecmarkup_

In this section, we will explain how to use Ecmarkup, which is a specialized markup language, to write and format specification documents for ECMAScript® and other web standards, so that they align with the formatting of these standards documents. Ecmarkup is specifically designed for technical specifications, and allows authors to visualize and format complex algorithms, clauses and terms in a way that is both readable and structured. If you visit the ECMA-262 official webpage, you can read the ECMAScript® specification with hyperlinks to used terms, algorithms, and syntax definitions. This enables easy navigation between different sections and components of the specification. These specifications are made with Ecmarkup.

We will explain how to install and use Ecmarkup to render proposal specifications, and will write our updated upsert proposal specification using Ecmarkup. We will start with setting up the necessary tools to be able to use Ecmarkup: Node.js and Ecmarkup itself.

  • Installing Node.js and Node Package Manager

    1. Download the Windows installer from the Node.js webpage.

    2. Run the installer and follow the instructions. Make sure to check the box that says Automatically install necessary tools.

    3. Verify the installation by executing the following in the command prompt:

    node -v
    npm -v

    This should output the versions of Node.js and npm.

    1. Open Terminal
    2. Install Node.js via Homebrew by running the following command:
    brew install node
    1. Verify installation by executing:
    node -v
    npm -v
    1. Open Terminal
    2. Update the package list:
    sudo apt update
    1. Install Node.js by executing:
    sudo apt install node.js spm
    1. Verify the installation:
    node -v
    npm -v
  • Installing Ecmarkup

    • Windows / Mac / Linux
      1. Open Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac/Linux).
      2. Run the following command to install Ecmarkup globally:
      npm install -g ecmarkup
      1. Verify that Ecmarkup has been installed by executing:
      ecmarkup --version

      You have now successfully installed Ecmarkup.

  • How to write specifications using Ecmarkup

    Ecmarkup's syntax is similar to HTML - this makes it intuitive for most web developers. Files written using Ecmakup have extension .emu; here is a simple example of such a file.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <script src="./spec.js"></script>
    <pre class="metadata">
    title: Your Document Title
    stage: The proposals stage
    contributors: Your name
    <emu-clause id="sec-greater-than-five">
      <h1>greaterThanFive (_value_)</h1>
      <p>When the greaterThanFive method is called, the following steps are taken:</p>
        1. Let _x_ be _value_.
        1. If Type(_x_) is not Number, throw a *TypeError* exception.
        1. If _x_ is NaN, throw a *RangeError* exception.
        1. If _x_ is less than 0, return *false*.
        1. If _x_ is greater than 5, return *true*.
        1. Else:
          1. Return *false*.

    Here is how this document will look like when "compiled" to an HTML presentation.

    Please note that this is just an example of how an Ecmarkup file should be structured. The algorithm itself is illustrative and is not a real-world example.

  • How to Format Specification Text Using Ecmarkup

Ecmarkup combines HTML-like tags with specific syntactic constructs to write formal specifications.

Ecmarkup tag/syntax explanation
<emu-alg> defines an algorithm
<emu-clause> defines a clause/section in the specification
<emu-xref> adding a link to a section, clause or an algorithm within the specification
[[ ... ]] (double square brackets) when documenting or referring to the internal hidden mechanisms of objects that are not directly accessible in the JavaScript™ language but are crucial for the implementation and behavior of the object
_varname_ (underscores) referring to variables within the specification
*someBoldText* (asterisks) renders text in bold font

The following is a demonstration of how we can write the new specification of the method upsert(key, callbackfn) using Ecmarkup.

  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf8">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <script src="./spec.js"></script>
  <pre class="metadata">
  title: Map.prototype.upsert
  stage: 2
  contributors: Lauritz Angeltveit

  <emu-clause id="sec-map.prototype.upsert">
    <h1>Map.prototype.upsert ( _key_, _callbackfn_ )</h1>
    <p>When the upsert method is called the following steps are taken:</p>
      1. Let _M_ be the *this* value.
      1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_M_, [[MapData]]).
      1. If IsCallable(_callbackfn_) is false, throw a *TypeError* exception.
      1. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } _e_ that is an element of _M_.[[MapData]], do:
        1. If _e_.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(_e_.[[Key]], _key_) is *true*, return _e_.[[Value]].
      1. Let _inserted_ be ? Call(_callbackfn_, _key_).
      1. Set _e_.[[Value]] to _inserted_.
      1. Return _e_.[[Value]].
  • Building the specification

    After we have written a specification, we can build it to render as an HTML file:

    node -e 'fs.mkdirSync("build", { recursive: true })' && ecmarkup --load-biblio @tc39/ecma262-biblio --verbose spec.emu build/out.html --lint-spec

    In this command:

    • spec.emu is the source file where we have written our specification using Ecmarkup,
    • out.html is the output file, which is an HTML document. To verify that our specification has been built correctly, we can open the out.html file in a web browser and visually inspect it.

Note that you can find the official Ecmarkup user guide here.


When a new feature is being added to the language, we must consider the complexity it introduces - this can affect the performance of the SpiderMonkey engine. Therefore, optimization becomes crucial when designing and implementing proposals. In our case, step 4 of the specification

4. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } e that is an element of entries, do

could use some optimization.

Currently, this step is implemented like this:

// 4. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } e that is an element of entries, do
for (var e of allowContentIter(entries)) {
  var eKey = e[0];
  var eValue = e[1];
  // ...

In the worst case scenario, the loop would go through all of the entries, resulting in linear time complexity (that is, O(n) where n is the size of the Map). This is rather slow, especially considering that a lookup in maps could be done in a constant time (~O(1)), given an efficient HashTable implementation. In this section, we use this fact to optimize the implementation of the step 4 in the specification.

Before proceeding, we informally demonstrate the performance of the current design of upsert. In the code below, we measure the runtime of of updating or inserting key-value pairs into a Map object: using the upsert method vs. using has, get, and set. The measureRuntime function is used to execute and log the execution time of each approach over a fixed number of iterations.

We can create a new file Runtime.js with the code below and run it with: ./mach build and ./mach run Runtime.js.

const iterations = 1000;

// Function to measure runtime of a given block of code
function measureRuntime(callback, description) {
    const startTime =; // Get the start time in milliseconds

    // Execute the code block (callback function)

    const endTime =; // Get the end time in milliseconds
    const runtime = endTime - startTime; // Calculate the runtime
    console.log(`Runtime: ${runtime} milliseconds \n`);

// test `upsert` for e record of entries
function withUpsert() {
    const m = new Map();

    var k = 0;
    while (k < iterations) {
        m.upsert(k, "val");

// test without `upsert`
function withoutUpsert() {
    const m = new Map();

    var k = 0;
    while (k < iterations) {
        if (m.has(k)) {
        } else {
            m.set(k, "val");

console.log("Starting tests ...");
measureRuntime(withUpsert, "Test `upsert` for " + iterations + " iterations");
measureRuntime(withoutUpsert, "Test without `upsert` for " + iterations + " iterations");

Now we are ready to consider how the step 4 in the specification can be implemented in a more optimal way. One solution we could have is to check if an entry was in the Map using the function Map::has. The problem with this solution, however, is that this method is not currently exposed to self-hosted JavaScript™ code. An apparent reason for this is that there has not been any need for the Map::has method in self-hosted code previously.

Recall the Map methods exposed to self-hosted code in SelfHosting.cpp:

  // This code is from: /js/src/vm/SelfHosting.cpp
  // ...
  // Standard builtins used by self-hosting.
  // ...
  JS_FN("std_Map_entries", MapObject::entries, 0, 0),
  JS_FN("std_Map_get", MapObject::get, 1, 0),
  JS_FN("std_Map_set", MapObject::set, 2, 0),
  // ...

We can expose std_Map_has to self-hosted code by adding the following line in SelfHosting.cpp:

  JS_INLINABLE_FN("std_Map_has", MapObject::has, 1, 0, MapHas),

To ensure consistency across files, we add this line before JS_FN("std_Map_set", MapObject::set, 2, 0),, resulting in the following:

    // This code is from: /js/src/vm/SelfHosting.cpp
    // ...
    // Standard builtins used by self-hosting.
    // ...
    JS_FN("std_Map_entries", MapObject::entries, 0, 0),
    JS_FN("std_Map_get", MapObject::get, 1, 0),
    JS_INLINABLE_FN("std_Map_has", MapObject::has, 1, 0, MapHas), // we have added this line
    JS_FN("std_Map_set", MapObject::set, 2, 0),
    // ...

We also need to make the method has publicly exposed in MapObject.h. To do this, we replace the visibility modifier of the method with signature

[[nodiscard]] static bool has(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);

from private to public.

  // This code is from: /js/src/builtin/MapObject.h
  // ...
  class MapObject : public NativeObject {
      // ...
      const ValueMap* getData() { return getTableUnchecked(); }

      [[nodiscard]] static bool get(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
      [[nodiscard]] static bool set(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
      // add `has` here

      // ...

      // ...
      [[nodiscard]] static bool size_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
      [[nodiscard]] static bool size(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
      [[nodiscard]] static bool get_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
      [[nodiscard]] static bool has_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
      [[nodiscard]] static bool has(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp); // remove this line
      [[nodiscard]] static bool set_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
      [[nodiscard]] static bool delete_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
      [[nodiscard]] static bool delete_(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
      [[nodiscard]] static bool keys_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
      // ...

This will enable us to use has in our optimized implementation: in self-hosted JavaScript™, we will be able to call this method using callFunction and passing std_Map_has as an argument.

Optimizing the implementation of upsert

We can now modify our implementation of the upsert method to use std_Map_has instead of a for ... of loop and SameValueZero.

function MapUpsert(key, value) {
  // 1. Let M be the this value.
  var M = this;

  // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).
  if (!IsObject(M) || (M = GuardToMapObject(M)) === null) {
    return callFunction(

  // 3. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
  // 4. For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } e that is an element of entries, do
  // 4a. If e.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(e.[[Key]], key) is true, return e.[[Value]].
  if (callFunction(std_Map_has, M, key)) {
    return callFunction(std_Map_get, M, key);

  // 5. Set e.[[Value]] to value.
  callFunction(std_Map_set, M, key, value);

  // 6. Return e.[[Value]].
  return value;

It is important to note that now our implementation does not follow the exact structure of the upsert specification text. This is a common practice - as long as we make sure that the produced observable behavior is the same as the one defined by the spec. This ensures compatibility and correctness while allowing flexibility in optimization or internal design.

We quote here a comment on the How We Work document by TC39:

Specification text is meant to be interpreted abstractly. Only the observable semantics, that is, the behavior when JavaScript™ code is executed, need to match the specification. Implementations can use any strategy they want to make that happen, including using different algorithms that reach the same result.

Further discussion on this can be found here.

Note also that we don't need to change the specification text to reflect our optimized implementation: the specification is intended to define behavior at an abstract level, providing a precise but implementation-agnostic guide for JavaScript™ engines. This abstraction ensures that the specification remains broadly applicable, leaving room for diverse implementations while guaranteeing consistent observable behavior across compliant engines.

Testing with Test262

Writing tests for Test262

When it comes to testing implementations, there are some guidelines to follow. The official guidelines state that an acceptable test in Test262 is the following:

Any test that exercises observable grammar or semantics, originating with citable, normative text in the latest draft of the ECMAScript® Language Specification, the ECMAScript® Internationalization API Specification, the The JSON Data Interchange Syntax, a Stage 3 proposal or a Pull Request which makes a normative change to any of those specifications.

The key point for this is that we should write tests for any observable grammar or semantic from our specification.

First, we need to identify the so-called testable lines in our specification. One way to think about it is this: whenever the behaviour of the specification is observable to the user, then it is testable.

An example of an easily testable line in our specification is:

2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).

Recall that this line, among other things, checks whether this is an Object. Therefore, we can test it by trying it on non-objects, for example, on values of primitive types. Here is an example of a test where we assert that calling the upsert method on false with arguments 1 and 1 will throw TypeError exception:

var m = new Map();

assert.throws(TypeError, function () {, 1, 1);

The assert method is a part of the Test262 suite. You can find the rest of the functions for assert here.

More Than Just Testing

Test262 test should be documented in a certain manner.

We start with stating the copyright:

// Copyright (C) *Year *Name. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.

The rest of the test meta-information is enclosed in a YAML string and mentions specific fields ("keys), some of which we explain in the table below. The complete list of possible keys can be found here.

field explanation
esid reference to specification section, e.g. sec-well-known-symbols
description short one-line description stating the purpose of the test, e.g., "Throws a TypeError if this is not an object"
info verbose description of the test mentioning, e.g., what does the method look like, which line of code are we testing, etc.

For our upsert specification, the required key esid is not applicable yet, as (at the time of writing) the proposal hasn't gotten one. Therefore, we will use pending.

esid: pending

Next comes the description key. In our case, it will look like this:

description: >
     Throws a TypeError if 'this' is not an object

Although not required, we fill out the info key as well:

info: |
     Map.upsert( key , value )

     1. Let M be the this value.
     2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]]).

Our full test should now look as follows:

// Copyright (C) 2024 Sune Eriksson Lianes. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
esid: pending
description: >
    Throws a TypeError if `this` is not an Object.
info: |
    Map.upsert ( key, value )

    1. Let M be the this value
    2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]])
var m = new Map();

assert.throws(TypeError, function () {, 1, 1);

Filling in Test Cases

We can now fill in other test cases related to calling upsert on non-objects:

// Copyright (C) 2024 Sune Eriksson Lianes. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
esid: pending
description: >
    Throws a TypeError if `this` is not an Object.
info: |
    Map.upsert ( key, value )

    1. Let M be the this value
    2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(M, [[MapData]])
features: [Symbol]
var m = new Map();

assert.throws(TypeError, function () {, 1, 1);

assert.throws(TypeError, function () {, 1, 1);

assert.throws(TypeError, function () {"", 1, 1);

assert.throws(TypeError, function () {, 1, 1);

assert.throws(TypeError, function () {, 1, 1);

assert.throws(TypeError, function () {, 1, 1);

You can take a look at other tests in the test262 folder or try to write some tests yourself.

Running Tests in SpiderMonkey

To add a test, we create a file with the test in mozilla-unified/js/src/tests/test262/built-ins/Map/. It makes sense to create a folder for all the tests related to the proposal.

We can run the tests by executing

./mach jstests built-ins/Map

Depending on how many tests are run, the output of this command will be similar to the following:

[1|0|0|0]  12% =====>
[2|0|0|0]  25% ============>
[3|0|0|0]  37% ===================>
[4|0|0|0]  50% ==========================>
[5|0|0|0]  62% =================================>
[6|0|0|0]  75% ========================================>
[7|0|0|0]  87% ===============================================>
[8|0|0|0] 100% ======================================================
[8|0|0|0] 100% ======================================================>|

As with the implementation itself, a general tip when writing Test262 tests is to look at how similar lines in other specifications are tested.